Five Money Saving Tips For Seniors By []Pam Klassen As a senior, you are entitled to many discounts and freebies. Be sure to take full advantage of these as this will result in more money in your pocket. Groceries Save money on groceries. Many grocery stores offer discounts to seniors at a specific time each
Money Saving Tips For Seniors By []Jack Reece Are you a senior; have you retired and found out that you are having trouble making ends meet? With today’s economy, many of us are asking these questions. Gas prices continue to increase. Heating costs continue to go up. Electricity is getting more expensive. Medical care costs
Five Tips For Buying Medicare Supplement Insurance By []Jesse Slome When you turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare, you’ll need to make another important decision. You may want to choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. About one-third of Medicare enrollees choose an MA plan. In some states like California, they are
The phrase “planning for the future” carries different meanings to different people. For some, planning for retirement means saving up for leisure, while for others, it may mean saving for retirement solvency, that includes long-term costs of health care and prescription drugs. According to a study by West Health and Gallup, in 2019, Unlike our
Traditional retirement plans are often designed to get people from point A to point B. However, as you begin to sketch out this relatively unknown journey, we sometimes forget that, like the first explorers, there are sections of the map that are uncharted, with boundaries outside of which nothing can be seen or explained. It’s
October’s giveaway is a $25.00 Walmart Gift Card To qualify, you can take the following steps : Winner will be announced on November 1st 2019
One of the many advantages of being a senior, are the associated discounts that are regularly available. Some of these advantages are found within Bank Accounts, where hard earned money can be saved. Here is a list of the 5 Best Senior’ Banking accounts for Canadians: Smart for Seniors (65 years old+) Practical Plan Account
September’ giveaway is a $25.00 Shell Gift card (link). To qualify, you can take the following steps : Winner will be announced on October 1st 2019
While Retirement can be considered an opportunity to travel, visit grand-kids and in general, live life to the fullest, for some seniors, it’s a time to re-enter the workforce. Here is a list of Post Retirement jobs that may interest seniors who are attempting to get back into the work scene : Check back regularly
A Richmond man is preparing to hand a petition to city council on Monday Evening, urging them to halt the impending change to seniors’ discounts at city facilities. For more details, visit the following link :